Saturday, 4 February 2012

Contents page - Flatplans

These are the flaplans for my contents page, I want my magazine to be busy and filled with photos and text for the audience to look at and read. I discovered in my research this is often what happens in many pop magazines and teen magazines. Also with bright contrasting/ clashing colours; such as yellow and blue or orange and green. This keeps it bold and vibrant.

My inspiration for my contents page is this page from 'We Love Pop' magazine:

Its busy, bright and bold just  like how I want mine to look. I think I would like mine to look slightly more organized unlike this page as I find it hard to read as I am unsure where to look; however I am not the target audience therefore I chose to let my target audience decide if they'd prefer the magazine to be organized or slightly more jumbled like this one.

I showed 25 year eight students (12-13years) my magazine flat plan and the completed 'We Love Pop' magazine contents pages to see which one they'd prefer and here is the outcome in a pie chart:
1= We Love Pop layout
2= My layout

More people said they found reading We Love Pop magazine was hard as the layout wasn't orgnanised. This is why I am going to try to make mine slightly more readable for the consumers.

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