Saturday, 24 March 2012

Q4&5: Who would be the target audience for your media product? And how would you attract them?

A  ‘typical’ target audience member of my magazine:

I created a list of things that could be included in my magazine and asked my target audience which are their priorities of reading when they buy other magazines such as Top Of The Pops, Shout and Sugar. 11/20 said their favourite part of a magazine is the ‘Cringe’ parts where the readers send in their most embarrassing moments. 16/20 said the prices of teenage magazines are too expensive and they can’t always afford to buy them. Also 19/20 of the participants said they like magazines with bright bold colours and fonts.
This was my way of finding out their favourite parts, and the aspects of a magazine that appeal to them the most. Therefore if my magazine were to be created and distributed it would contain the things they want to read and find interesting.  
In attempt to make my magazine as appealing to my target audience i felt their opinion was important and asked for it on many occasions throughout creating and designing the pages of my magazine. This was as I am slightly older than my target audience and I’m not entirely sure what they want in a magazine.
Finally I also found that many magazines aimed at 11-15 year olds are quite expensive for their target audience which decreases the consumers as many people wouldn’t be able to afford the high costs. They usually cost around £2.99 which I think is quite a high price for a teenager’s magazine. Therefore I plan to make my slightly cheaper around the £1.50 mark.

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