Sunday, 6 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Brief - My Proposal

Who you are aiming your magazine at specifically? Your specific target audience:
The target audience for my magazine is teenagers 14-19 years old, as these are the mass of the college students. The magazine will also be aimed at males and females with an article for everyone to appeal to the reader.

What will your magazine be about?
College life in geneal with subsections for sport, arts, theatre, humanities etc. with updates from school sports teams, upcoming events and trips and photos from current events that have happened over the month.

What are your ideas for coverlines?
Eye-catching, striking coverlines in which will appeal to the target audience. Using catchy literate phrases that all students can relate to.

What title have I decided on?
I chose from several titles for my magazines these include:

After asking my target audience for their view I have decided to use SDC Highlights, I think this is catchy, it was the most popular and it also tells you exactly what you'll find when you open the magazine; simple yet effective.

What fonts do you want to use?
For my title font once again I decided on possible fonts that I could use all to give a different feel or effect and let my target audience choose their favourite one. I think this technique is the best, even though it is my magazine I think their opinion is the most important one.

I decided i would use Bauhaus 93 once again, I came to this decision by doing some research and asking some of my target audience which font they prefered this one was the most popular font to use.

For the rest of my font on the cover of the magazine I chose from a variety however I think I am going to use something simple and readable such as Verdana.

For colours of fonts on my magazine I am going to use the colours from the SDC logo - Green, blue and white with some black font.

What are your ideas for taglines?
At a later date I will chose from these taglines:

Your college life, read it how it is.
Your college, your magazine
Updates from your college, for you

 After thinking about my taglines I have decided not to have one, I think they are a bit cheesy and will put my target audience off.

When in the year will it be published? How frequently?
I have decided to publish my magazine monthly, it will show upcoming events for the next month, and events, photos and articles from the previous month. I also think that I will add decoration, and the magazine will slightly change everytime a new season/ term begins to fit with time of year. E.g. the Christmas/december edition will contain Christmas themes and images. There will be special editions for the new year, new academic year and results.

What kind of image to you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
For the cover of my magazine I will show students in college or together at an event or just simply smiling and looking happy to reflect the feel of the college. I will get this image by taking photos of my friends in college.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
I have decided to make my magazine 'handbag/pocket size' slightly bigger that A5 (CONFIRM ACTUAL SIZES WHEN KNOWN)

What images/colour would you use on the contents page?
Bright, eye-catching colours to attract attention. Colours that also represent and are known by South Downs students from the logo.

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